Version 5
FOX5 is the latest version of FOXopen. Source code and build instructions are available on GitHub
Version 4
FOX4 is a legacy version of FOXopen. Source code is available on SourceForge
Version 4.05.27
Released 28th August 2014
FOX4 Changelog
24 June 2014
- Search drop down fixes.
- Document generation enhancements.
6 May 2014
- Fix for text limits and calendar.
- IE 11 should now work with the spatial widget.
25 March 2014
- Fix for digital signing of arbitrary PDFs.
24 March 2014
- Fixed bug whereby a user's session could be switched when opening a popup window.
- Fixed 2 minor issues with HTML generation.
19 February 2014
- Enhanced HTML generation to be more flexible.
27 August 2013
- Hints can now display more relevant information.
5 November 2013
- Fixed bug with dropdown widgets.
- Prevent an error caused by having pagination on expired screens.
- Fixed theoretical XPath injection vulnerability.
- Enhancements to search selector (tagger) widget.
- Fixed paging to allow for greater flexibility of page control positions.
17 September 2013
- Search-Selector suggestions are now ordered correctly again
- Search-Selectors in single mode should have removable values in IE <=9
- WYSIWYG editors resize vertically to fit content
27 August 2013
- Fixed display bug relating to search selector and HTML widgets.
- Document generation can now prevent tables splitting over page breaks
- Added support for charting in some reports
- Enhanced the display of comparison data where forms are being compared
7 August 2013
- Added JavaScript session timeout prompts extending sessions by amount specified in portal param SESSION_TIMEOUT_MINS
- Link(+) Widget Hint Implementation, new attributes linkHint and hintTitle can be applied on widget 'Link'.
12 July 2013
- Search-selector widgets load faster when there's lots of data in them
- Fix display bug with IE-quirks mode
- Search Selector widgets can run actions when changed
28 June 2013
- Fixed bug in document signing
- Fixed display problems with the date widget and rich text widget.
26 June 2013
- Minor changes to separate document signing from filing
- Minor fix to HTML generation.
17 June 2013
- Improved styling of the search selector widget
- Fixed some security vulnerabilities
- Added support for generating XLS/XLSX output for reporting system
- Minor improvements to document generation
6 June 2013
- Enhanced HTML generator so more dynamic HTML is possible.
- Added support for controlling the visibility of certain page components without requiring a page churn.
- Added search selector widget for improved searching.
- Made validation command more effective.
21 May 2013
- Fixed bug caused by displaying maps in Internet Explorer 6 - 9
- Fixed bug which allowed an engine to be deployed without a virus scanner defined on it
- Fixed minor bug which caused invalid HTML to be generated when a tickbox or radio button doesn't have a prompt
- Minor CSS change
8 May 2013
- £, € and some space characters are no longer stripped from the WYSIWYG editor
- Digitally signed PDFs now contain the signing department's name in the signature block
- Digital certificates are now cached correctly
- Minor fix for generating links and buttons
- Fixed page expiry issue caused by user loading multiple pages simultaneously
- Improved support for web browsers' email features
18 April 2013
- Spellchecker
- Can double click suggested words to replace
- Stop corrupting other words when replacing words with shorter words
- Better handling of single-quoted words and sentences
- Better support for keeping the case of words when making suggestions
- Keeps space between words when words either side of the space have different styles
- Download helper has bold text headers
- Minor improvement to selector and tick box widgets
15 April 2013
- Fixed bug that stopped us from deploying a new engine
- Fixed how spellchecker is displayed and how dictionaries are stored in the database
- Fixes for how WSDL files are generated for Web Services
- Deleted some unused files
11 April 2013
- Changed the method used for determining if secure cookies should be sent
- Performance improvements to digital signing
- Changed caching so development environments cache the same amount of data as live environments
- Fixed minor bug caused by user having a missing cookie
- Added ability to sign PDF/XML files with a full certificate chain (in either PKCS7 or PKIPATH format)
- Added new way of putting conditional logic into FOX actions
- Added feature to improve mapset generation logic
- Added shortcut method for quickly generating a link on the page
2 April 2013
- Made JavaScript Library compatible with IE 10
- Minor fix for digital signing test harness
- Improvements to memory usage of the FOX engine
- New command for initialising data in an XML document
- Made page timing information more visible to developers
- Added ability to set the secure flag on a cookie if HTTPS is being used (security enhancement)
- Improved performance when downloading large text files
15 March 2013
- Fixed bug which prevented document generation in some circumstances
- Fix regression in web service authentication code that prevented web service users logging in
- Don't save empty log data from the reporting system
- Made validation of file uploads stricter to improve security
- Fixed a potential security issue where user input was being converted into HTML
- Improved general page accessibility by adding skip links and alt text to images
- Upgraded the WYSIWYG editor for improved support for pasting from Microsoft Word
- Added spell checking support to the WYSIWYG editor
21 February 2013
- Fix for minor bug relating to file downloads
- No longer put potentially sensitive information in generated XLS files
- Minor fixes to database interface, web service, Excel generation and internal functions
- Improved stability when a user is using tabbed or multi-window browsing
23 January 2013
- Minor pagination fixes
- Fix to prevent potential XSS vulnerability
- Cookies are now served in a more secure fashion
- Internal information is no longer sent out in the case of an error on a production server
- New command for generating spreadsheets (XLS, XLSX, formatting support)
- Support for resumable web service sessions
- Minor enhancement to authentication to allow for more granular security restrictions for user login
- Ability to digitally sign SOAP envelopes
11 December 2012
- Security fixes for minor security problems
- Added the ability to specify a specific file type when serving a file - so that browsers understand what file type they are receiving
- Prevent unnecessary FOX error when user navigates to an expired page (using the back button)
- Allows workaround of an issue where extra whitespace is introduced to documents by Oracle
- Handles network errors more gracefully if the user has a problem uploading files
- Internet Explorer now properly sizes upload windows
- Added the ability to serve out files directly from FOX rather than via a popup window
- The FOX engine now generates rich report outputs using Jasper
24 August 2012
- Allow digital signing to be disabled for individual documents in a group that would otherwise all be signed
- Fix a minor bug in document generation that caused FOX to consume a lot of Oracle connections in the event of an error
- Change digital signing track
16 August 2012
- Added the ability to upload PKCS8 (certificate key) files for digital certificate management screens
03 August 2012
- Integrated and reworked digital signing code to be more performant, stable and part of FOXopen standard release builds
19 February 2013
- Minor presentation fix
1 February 2013
- Minor fixes for spreadsheet generation. Can have bigger validation lists now
25 January 2013
- Minor fixes for spreadsheet generation
21 January 2013
- Spreadsheet generation - fix column validation so that data values are not the same for all columns of the same type
- Remove older versions of POI from the build (reduce build size)
- Fix up unit test for Cookie implementation
18 January 2013
- Security fixes
- Minor fixes for upload problem (caused by network problems)
- Fix for upload window not resizing in IE9
- Minor bug fix to Oracle binary XML support
- Minor pagination fixes
- New command for generating spreadsheets (xls, xlsx, formatting support)
- Support for resumable web service sessions
- Minor enhancement to authentication to allow for more granular security restrictions for user login
15 November 2012
- Added new download functionality to support serving binary files directly as a response to an HTTP request
- Fix minor bugs in download code when using query-based downloads
29 October 2012
- Security fixes
- Improved support for Oracle's Binary XML feature
27 September 2012
- Fix a minor error caused by user clicking the back button
- Added integrated support for Jasper reports
14 September 2012
- Added ability for support personnel to view internal data DOMs on live environments
- Fixed date widget validation problem
- Fixed minor cosmetic document generation bug relating to list numbering